Thursday, 17 March 2011

Tutorial Two: Digital Imaging

So here's me trying to find out a cool way to start my blog. Bit of a fail, so I'm just gonna start from the start of the sheet.
Hardware and Software that I'm familiar with? The main ones would have to be digital cameras, video recorders and photoshop. An example of this is from today. St. Patricks Day. We (as a class) decided to go for a casual drink after tech to celebrate, and whats brought out other than the handy ol' camera to document our mean green time. For one of my courses I also had to do a big study on photoshop and how to use it. I found this quite fun transforming an ugly boring awesome funny photo. Manipulation and making the photo look different is what photoshop is all about.
Facebook is a good place to upload your newly created photos. There are digital albums where you store all photos you wish. You can make a setting so that only your friends can view them (such an good idea). The ability to do this allows others that would not normally (but would like to) view photos of events that you attend. For example, my school ball. My aunties and other relatives who live overseas were able to view them, with out cost, and comment.
Last week (or week before) we all made accounts on Youtube. Youtube is pretty much a video site where you upload any home videos for everyone else to see. Here is a link to a video on youtube which explains in more depth about what youtube is.
A final example of digital imaging to provide information would have to be nothing more than our own ONE NEWS. ONE news provides us with all of our day to day updates about what is happening in our country, and all around the world. It uses video recorders to capture important / exciting moments in time, and then replays it back to us between 6pm and 7pm. A good use of digital technology I think.

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"

I think I agree with this comment to a certain degree. Back in the day everything was so much more valued. Taking photos was a big deal. Taking videos was even BIGGER. It wasn't just like these days where we take thousands of photos in one night, and then choose only the fair few which we like. You were able to get around 30 good photos (because you didn't want to waste your film and take silly ones) and then you would go get your film developed.
However, there is a huge plus side to the new technologies. The advance in technology has enabled us to take millions of photos, which would not necessarily be a bad thing. Not everyone likes the same photo so having the option is definately a PLUS. The video quality is also much higher, with no crackles and shifting shots. Not to mention colour TV. The ability to manipulate photos (like on photoshop) is also a cool idea. It allows you to change colour, sizing, scale, put other images in and take some parts out etc etc. It also provides some people with a different occupation (which is what us OT's are all about).

I think digital imaging could be used in many ways within Occupational Therapy. Its a good tool to use to show clients the correct technique, e.g. for lifting. They could be provided with a DVD of the correct technique, which they can review at any time if they forget. It could also be used to record sleeping patterns, so we can find out what it is thats troubling them whilst they sleep. Using it to show clients their progress is another way it could be used. Videoing them at the start of their therapy, and then at the end will give them a great sense of achievement. It would also be useful for the therapist to this also.

You must always have permission to take a photo of someone, and to also put this photo into use e.g. in the newspaper.
Privacy Issues around taking photos is also very important. Paparazzi's are big benders of this rule, as they film celebrities, even when they don't know it. You should always be careful about who you take photos of, and also where.

That comes to the end of my blog addition.
Catch you next time :)

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