Saturday, 2 April 2011

Tutorial Five: Video Productions Sessions

Youtube. Oh how I love you!
This week we learnt all about this wonderful site. We made our own logins to Youtube, so that from now on we can add videos to it.
So the services provided by youtube:
Youtube allows us as individuals to upload movie clips, music, home videos and TV clips RIGHT from your computer at home (Wikipedia, 2011). Youtube also allows corporations and businesses to advertise for example BBC. And why wouldn't you, registration is FREE!
Not only can you add photos, you can also rate others videos, comment on them and "subscribe" to certain producers who's videos you enjoy watching (Karch, 2011).

From my fieldwork experience, I have chosen to look further into the net around Total Hip Replacements, and their precautions. Within my feildwork last year I worked on the orthopedic ward with clients who were experiencing total hip replacements. My supervisor and I would converse with them, and prepare them with the precautions they need to make after their surgery, e.g. your hips should never go below your knees.

This link here shares some information around what precautions you should take.

This youtube clip gives you a brief overview of what happens in a THR.

In this youtube clip an 84 year old lady shares her story with everyone about her two experiences with her THR.

This youtube clip shows the rehab side to a THR.

This youtube video shares someones experience two weeks post surgery.

Reference List:
ArthritisMD. (2008). Post surgery precautions. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Youtube:
ArthritisMD. (2008). Post surgery precautions. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Youtube:
Lee, S. (2008). Total Hip Replacement Patient Story. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Youtube:
Medicine Net. (2011). Total Hip Replacement. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Medicinenet:
nucleusanimation. (2008). Hip Surgery. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Youtube:
Pao2ndchance. (2009). Hip Replacement Surgery Recovery. Retrieved April 3, 2011, from Youtube:

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting videos you have choosen. I now have a better understanding on hip replacements.
    p.s nice blog :)
